News / Events


Watch this space for important dates,
news and special events!


EMS Mid-Winter Concert

Sunday, 23rd June, starting at 9.30am

It will be held at the ACG Parnell Senior Campus on 9 Davis Crescent, Newmarket

Winter Drum Showcase

Saturday, 22rd June, 4-5pm

It will be held at the ACG Parnell Senior Campus on 9 Davis Crescent, Newmarket


ABRSM Practical Exams

Digital Exams are available monthly for the rest of the year. Students can record their pieces at any anytime and submit it later. You can then submit the exam recording once you have booked an exam. Click here for more details.

Trinity College of London Practical Exams

Digital Exams are available monthly for the rest of the year. Students can record their pieces at any anytime and submit it later. You can then submit the exam recording once you have booked an exam. Click here for more details.

ABRSM Music Theory Exams

Online Music Theory exam Only (Grades 1 to 5) – You can choose when to book and when to take an online Music Theory exam. Once the exam is booked, candidates have 28 days to take their exam. They can choose any date and time during this period.

Grade 5 Music Theory: a prerequisite for Practical and Perfor­mance Grades 6 to 8

Candidates must pass Music Theory Grade 5 or above before taking a Practical or Per­formance Grade 6, 7 or 8. This is to make sure they have a good understanding of the elements of music, something that will prepare them for success at these higher grades. ABRSM also accepts a Grade 5 pass in Practical Musicianship or a solo Jazz subject.


Please talk to your teacher if you want to take examinations in 2023.

Key dates

ACG Term Dates 2024

Term 1

Student Orientation/Tutor meetings/Course confirmation day – January 23 & 24
Thursday 25 January - Friday 12 April

Term 2

Monday 29 April - Thursday 27 June

Term 3

Monday 22 July - Friday 27 September

Term 4

Monday 14 October - Tuesday 3 December


New Teachers

Classical Guitar

Singing (contemporary)

Singing (classical)